Student Cultural Climate Survey FAQs
Updated 02.10.25
What is the survey?
This month Georgetown is administering its second cultural climate survey: the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Survey. The assessment will enable the university to gain a better understanding of students’ sense of belonging at Georgetown.
Why is Georgetown administering a survey on cultural climate?
The purpose of the survey is to help the university identify institutional practices we are doing well as well as areas of concern. This survey will allow us to examine the students’ participation in programs that meaningfully engage their communities. Data will help inform how we can enhance or build meaningful programs and support systems to ensure all of our students feel welcome in the classroom and thrive from an inclusive education for all members of our community.
How is the survey administered?
The survey is administered electronically by Georgetown’s Office of Assessment and Decision Support (OADS) in partnership with the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA). The survey is open from February 18 – March 21, 2025. A report on responses to the survey will be shared in Fall 2025.
How were the 2020 survey results used by the university?
Work since the 2020 survey has included supporting faculty in considering the various learning styles of their students and adopting innovative pedagogies to ensure all students feel included in the classroom. Many of our faculty bring a wealth of experience working with students from various backgrounds and reflect unique learning styles thereby enriching the classroom environment.
Why should I take the survey?
A high response rate is crucial for accurate results. We are looking for the best and most accurate data in order to inform our policies and appropriate next steps. We want our results to reflect the breadth of student experiences at Georgetown.
Are faculty and staff included in this survey?
Faculty/Staff and AAPs were surveyed in 2022. You can learn more about the results on IDEAA’s website .
Who analyzes the data?
The de-identified unit-level data will be analyzed by the Office of Assessment and Decision Support.
Is the survey confidential? Who will have the data? Could my data if shared be identified?
We will protect the confidentiality of your answers. Every effort will be made to keep any information collected about you confidential. All participants will be assigned a randomly generated ID number. The random ID is used to send follow-up email reminders to students who have not responded. Information about your name, email or IP address will be permanently removed from the data file before any analysis takes place. This means that all responses will be de-identified once the survey period ends. You will never be associated with your responses in any analysis or reports from this study. The de-identified survey data will be maintained in digital form on a secured, password-protected site maintained by the Georgetown University Box system. The results will be presented in summary form so no individual can be identified.
Will the results of the survey be publicly available?
Yes, survey results will be available in Fall 2025.
How were the demographic categories and other terms selected in the survey?
We heard helpful feedback from many constituents on campus about the wording of the survey, including categories for demographic information such as sexual orientation, gender identity, race and ethnicity, among others. We appreciate that there is a range of accepted terminology in these areas and that preferences can differ. The use or omission of certain terminology does not indicate an endorsement of any particular term over another.
How has Georgetown engaged on issues of diversity and inclusion?
The mission of IDEAA is to promote a deep understanding and appreciation among the diverse members of the university community to result in justice and equality, as well as to lead efforts to create an inclusive academic and work environment. IDEAA is responsible for promoting diversity throughout the institution, fostering a climate of inclusion in the classroom and workplace, and taking proactive measures to ensure that members of our community feel a sense of belonging.
Were students involved in the development and planning of this survey?
Yes, students were well represented in the working group that reviewed the instrument and offered suggestions on effective means of informing the community about the survey and encouraging students to complete it.